eduroam on Windows

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Die deutsche Version finden Sie auf der Seite Eduroam unter Windows

The Radius server certificate was replaced on 14/01/2025. If your device prompts you to check a certificate for eduroam or to trust a new certificate, you should check the fingerprint of the certificate. Most devices should continue to connect to eduroam automatically. More details on the behaviour on the individual devices can be found here:

Depending on the device, you may have to reconnect to eduroam, select the certificate again or trust the certificate.

sha1 Fingerprint=22:8B:F4:7C:AC:00:BD:F6:77:F9:39:78:B5:AF:BF:66:C0:5C:84:D6
sha256 Fingerprint=98:A9:22:F8:DC:C9:92:EA:19:B1:97:5A:44:D7:CA:01:30:4E:CB:2F:14:69:79:18:5F:69:8A:25:03:E1:05:88
sha512 Fingerprint=3D:FA:3B:AA:D4:41:B0:4F:AA:C6:F1:58:CA:D3:A2:B6:1A:23:52:B2:9E:92:6D:C0:2B:B5:ED:50:8D:1D:FF:34:29:FC:D3:B5:6F:4C:8D:7F:A0:85:8B:38:B0:46:C5:17:98:2A:72:25:41:42:5D:39:BA:40:1D:9C:F3:14:24:64



  • Zertifikat einblenden to check certificate
  • Continue to trust the certificate


iPhone und iPad

iPhone und iPad

  • Display certificate to check the certificate
  • Accept certificate to trust the certificate



Windows 11

  • Show certificate details to check the certificate
  • Connect to trust the certificate

This tutorial describes how to set up the Wi-Fi eduroam on Windows.

What has to be done?[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

  • Install your personal network certificate from the University of Paderborn.
  • Then connect to the eduroam network.

Step-by-step instructions[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Create certificate[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Access using a browser such as B. Firefox or Edge, go to the service portal and log in with your user name and password from your university account.

  • Go to Benutzerverwaltung and then Netzwerkeinstellungen.


  • Click Neues Zertifikat erstellen.


  • Give the certificate a unique name (Example: Laptop)
  • For Windows 11, select Version 2 as the file format.
  • For older versions than Windows 10, please use Version 1.
  • Then click on Neues Zertifikat zusenden.


  • A new network certificate has been created for you.
  • First copy the Import Password to the clipboard.
  • Now click on Netzwerkzertifikat herunterladen.

Save the network certificate to your device.

Install certificate[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Open the certificate we just downloaded. The certificate import wizard then starts automatically.


  • Click on Continue.


  • Paste the import password that we just copied.
  • Leave the default settings intact.
  • Note: It is not allowed to tick "Activate high security for the private key". The Windows WLAN client currently does not support this function and therefore no connection to eduroam would be possible.
  • Then click Next

  • In the following window, if necessary, click on Next and finally on Finish.


  • If a security warning appears, click Yes.


  • Now click on OK.

Note: Now open the same certificate again and install it a second time. This allows us to work around an error in the Windows certificate manager. Do not create a new certificate for this!

Connect with eduroam[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

After we have installed the certificate, we can now set up Eduroam.


  • Click on the Wi-Fi symbol at the bottom right.
  • Click on eduroam.
  • Make sure that the “Connect automatically” box is checked.
  • Click Connect.


  • Click Connect using a certificate
  • Important: Be sure to leave the username and password fields blank

Your device is now connected to the eduroam WiFi network.

WLAN settings

  • Click on the "Wi-Fi symbol" at the bottom right of the tray.
  • Then click on the arrow to display the WiFi networks.

WLAN settings

  • Select "eduroam".
  • Click on 'Connect there.

WLAN settings

  • Select your certificate.
  • It ends in
  • Then click "OK".

Your device should now connect to the Eduroam network.

Troubleshooting[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

No connection possible[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

If you get the error message "Cannot connect to this network" , this can have several causes.

Eduroam error message

Check the following settings:

In some cases it is necessary to install the network certificate twice. Open your certificate again and install it with the import password as described above. Apply for no second certificate. Then reconnect to Eduroam as described above.

If you want to connect to the Eduroam network at the University of Paderborn, the system time on your device must be set correctly.
Please check whether the following settings are correct on your device:

  • Time
  • Date
  • Time zone

No certificate can be selected[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

If you cannot select a certificate, this may be due to the following reasons:

In some cases it is necessary to install the network certificate twice. Open your certificate again and install it with the import password as described above. Apply for no second certificate. Then reconnect to Eduroam as described above.

If an eduroam profile exists with incorrect settings (e.g. from another university), the Connect using a certificate option may not be displayed. In this case, the existing profile must first be deleted.


  • Click on the WLAN symbol at the bottom right
  • Then click on Network and Internet Settings


  • Click on WLAN on the left edge
  • Then click on Manage Known Networks in the right pane.


  • All WiFi networks to which your device was already connected are displayed here
  • Search for the eduroam profile and select it with one click
  • Click Don't Save

The former WiFi profile for Eduroam is now deleted. Now, please follow the instructions above to set up eduroam again!

You can also delete a WiFi network profile using Windows Command Prompt or Power Shell:
Start the command prompt or a powershell as administrator

Command Result
NetSH WLAN Show Profiles Shows a list of WiFi profiles configured on the system. Copy the profile name here
NetSH WLAN Delete Profile Name="Profile Name" Deletes the specified WiFi profile

See also[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

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