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Most e-mail providers do not allow large e-mail attachments. Even if you can send large e-mail attachments, they often cause overcrowded e-mail inboxes in the long run. With the GigaMove service, RWTH Aachen University offers an uncomplicated way to send large files via a link. The files are uploaded to the GigaMove service via a homepage. Afterwards you get a link to your file and can send it by e-mail.

Prerequisites[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

You need an Uni-Account of the University of Paderborn.

Register[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Visit the homepage for the service GigaMove.


  • Select University of Paderborn as organization
  • Click on "Select"


  • Log in with your "Uni-Account" of the University of Paderborn


  • You will receive a list of the data that is transferred to the GigaMove service of the RWTH Aachen
  • Click on "Transfer information"


  • Accept the Terms of Use
  • Click on Confirm

You can now use the service GigaMove of the RWTH Aachen University.

Use GigaMove[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

The GigaMove service offers two different possibilities of use, which we will now discuss.

Prepare files[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

You can use the function "Make files available" to upload files and offer them to others for download via a link.


  • Click on "Make files available" on the left margin


  • With a click on "Browse..." you can select a file on your computer
  • Select whether you wish to receive an e-mail notification before deletion
  • Optional: Password
  • Optional: Comment
  • Specify how long the file should be available. The file is deleted after 14 days at the latest.
  • Then click on "Make file available"

Request files[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

With the function "Request file" you can ask other people to upload a file to you. You create the link and the other person uses it to upload the file.


  • Click on "Request file" on the left margin


  • Optional: Write a comment that is displayed when the link is opened
  • Click on "Request file"
  • The link to upload has now been created

You can now copy the link and send it by e-mail, for example.

Hints[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Please observe the following instructions.

  • Your files will be deleted by GigaMove after 14 days at the latest.
  • If you have not changed the validity, your files will be deleted after 7 days.
  • With GigaMove, you have a maximum of 10 GB storage space available.
  • Most browsers can only upload files of 2 GB maximum.
  • GigaMove is not designed to store files for long periods of time. You can do this with Sciebo, for example.

See also[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

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