Kategorie:Sidebars with styles needing conversion

ZIM HilfeWiki - das Wiki

These templates should be fixed to use TemplateStyles (sidebar documentation) using |templatestyles=, |child templatestyles=, and |grandchild templatestyles= where appropriate. See sidebar documentation for some quick rules of thumb.

A specific real conversion example is Template:DYK tools where the styles were moved to Template:DYK tools/styles.css.

An example of two kinds of template that will trigger this category is:

| title = Title
| style = width: 18em;
| title        = Title
| headingstyle = background: green;
| heading1     = Header1
| content1     = Content1

Seiten in der Kategorie „Sidebars with styles needing conversion“

Folgende 7 Seiten sind in dieser Kategorie, von 7 insgesamt.

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