Usage scenario: Use of the evaluation workflow

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The evaluation workflow enables the management of submissions that always require a second correction or the evaluation of submissions that have already been finally submitted without publishing the evaluation directly.

This article explains how you can use the valuation workflow for a step-by-step evaluation.

What needs to be done?[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

  • Use valuation workflow
  • Select different modes in the Status column of the rating overview

Step-by-step instructions[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

  • In the settings of an exercise you can activate the evaluation workflow with EvaluationUse Evaluation WorkflowYes.
Activate evaluation workflow

If necessary you have to activate the option "quick valuation" in the evaluation options below the table to be able to valuate the charges directly in the overview.

  • By activating it, it is possible to specify the following modes in the evaluation overview under Show all charges in the column Status:
    • Non-valuated - no valuation yet
    • In valuation - tax is corrected (for the first time)
    • Evaluation completed - 1st corrector finished
    • Is checked - useful if a 2nd corrector is required
    • Ready for release - 2nd proofreader ready
    • Released - assessment was released to the student
Evaluation workflow Status display

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