Participant management: Open course

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By "Open Courses" we mean PANDA courses in which participants can register themselves without a password. You create these by activating a self-enrollment that does not have the password.
This guide shows you how to add a self-enrollment and set it up accordingly without a password.

What needs to be done?[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

  • Call the desired course
  • Settings for enrollment methods (under the tab Participants)
  • Select enrollment methods
  • Select existing self-enrollment or add new one
    • Do NOT enter a password

Step-by-step instructions[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Call up settings and select enrollment methods[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

First of all, log in to PANDA. Here is the link to Then call up the course you want to work on!

Einschreibemethoden auswählen.png
Click on participants in the course view
In the upper left corner you will find a pull-down menu where you can also find the enrollment methods
First click on the arrows and then on enrollment methods!
Important is the self-enrollment (participant).

Select self-enrollment[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Offener Kurs2.png

  • You are now in the settings of the course enrollment methods. Manual enrollment is preset by default.
  • This method allows instructors & assistants to manually enroll participants and staff. Please DO NOT make any changes to this!
  • Click on the Edit-Settings icon Einstellungen Icon.png of the existing self-enrollment or add a new self-enrollment under "Add Method"!

Now a new window of self-enrollment opens, in which you can make many settings:

Offener Kurs3.png

  • Designation (1): Here you set the name of the application. We recommend Registration Participant as title. This will then be displayed to the person registering.
  • Allow existing enrolments/ Allow self-enrolment (2): Both fields must be set to YES so that the enrolment method is active and participants can enrol themselves.
  • Enrolment key (3): This is the crucial field that you must leave blank so that a registration without password is possible. This allows any PANDA user to join the course.
If you would like to assign a password, you will find instructions here.
  • Enrollment start/end (4): Here you can set a period of time during which participants can register.

Offener Kurs4.png

  • Welcome text (5): If desired, you can store a welcome message for the newly registered participants here.
  • Finally, please click on Add method (6).

Edit self-registration afterwards[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Offener Kurs6.png

  • Your self-registration is now displayed.
  • Löschen icon.png: Deletes the method completely (Caution!)
  • Sichtbar icon.png: Method is active and visible. Can be made inactive/invisible by clicking on inactive/invisible.
  • Einstellungen Icon.png: Edit method settings.

View for participants[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Offener Kurs7.png

  • The potential participants can now search for your course in PANDA and register themselves with one click Register.
  • It is also indicated that no enrollment key is required.

See also[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

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