![]() | This is a documentation subpage for Vorlage:Classgenerator/parameter. It contains usage information, categories and other content that is not part of the original vorlage page. |
![]() | This template uses Lua: |
This is the list of parameters for the class. All data is represented here, be it data processed normally, data only to gatherd via form or data that is simply stored.
Data Storage
This template does not store any persistent data.
This is the list of parameters for the class. All data is represented here, be it data processed normally, data only to gatherd via form or data that is simply stored.
Parameter | Beschreibung | Typ | Status | |
Parameter | name | The name of the parameter. Use only upper and lowercase characters, numbers (not the first symbol), dash and underscore. | Zeile | erforderlich |
Cardinality | cardinality | Is this a single or a multivalue field?
| Zeile | erforderlich |
Store in cargo | cargo | Do you want to store this parameter in a cargo field? Works only, if you have a cargo table name specified in the GLOBAL section.
| Boolesch | erforderlich |
Cargo hidden | cargo_hidden | If set, the field is not listed in either Special:ViewTable or Special:Drilldown, although it is still queriable. | Boolesch | vorgeschlagen |
Cargo size | cargo_size | for fields of type Text, Wikitext or String, sets the size of this field, i.e. the number of characters; default is 300 | Nummer | vorgeschlagen |
Cargo field type <small>[https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Cargo/Storing_data#Declaring_a_table [help]]</small> | cargo_type | Which type will this parameter be stored in. If you don whish to store this parameter, leave this empty. | Zeile | erforderlich |
Description | description | A short description of this paramter. Serves mainly as a hint via tooltip to users of the form to help them fill the parameter. | Zeichenfolge | erforderlich |
Label | label | The label for this parameter. Use short but descriptive text (~1-3 words). This will be placed next to the input field in the form. | Zeile | erforderlich |
Store semantically | property | Do you want to store this parameter semantically? Works only, if you have switched semantic store on in the GLOBAL section.
| Boolesch | erforderlich |
Property name | property_name | The name of your property this date is stored in - if you are using data store smw that is. NOTE: Do not use spaces, use underscrores (_) instead. | Zeile | erforderlich |
Property type <small>[https://semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:List_of_datatypes [help]]</small> | property_type | The type of your property this date is stored in - if you are using data store smw that is. | Zeile | erforderlich |
Severity | severity | Is this field mandatory, suggested or optional | Zeile | erforderlich |
List of values | values | A list of values for this parameter. Depending on SEVERITY and EXISTING VALUES ONLY, the parameter maybe is restricted to this values. | Zeile | vorgeschlagen |
Regular form parameter | sf | Should this field be present (not necessary visible, see #hidden) on the form (and therefore be available as parameter in the template)? | Boolesch | erforderlich |
Template doc default | td_default | Information only present on the template documentation: to what default value will this be set? | Zeile | vorgeschlagen |
Template doc parameter type <small>[https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:TemplateData#Format [help]]</small> | td_type | What type should be used on the template documentation page? | Zeile | erforderlich |
Add cargo linking | add_cargo_table_and_field | Should the 'cargo table=' and 'cargo field=' statements be added to this? Fails, if no table is secified in GENERAL-Section!
| Boolesch | vorgeschlagen |
CSS class | class | The css class for the input field for this parameter | Zeile | vorgeschlagen |
Default | default | Default value. Preset for this input field. | Zeile | vorgeschlagen |
Hidden | hidden | Specifies that this field will be hidden in the form: used to preserve values in edited pages. | Boolesch | vorgeschlagen |
Input type | input_type | Specifies the type of input this field will have in the form. | Zeile | vorgeschlagen |
Placeholder | placeholder | Used for the text, textarea, combobox and tokens fields. Specifies help text that is displayed in the input until the user clicks on it. | Zeile | vorgeschlagen |
Restricted | restricted | Specifies that this field will be editable only by this user group. Use 'DEFAULT' if you want this to be the globally defined restriction group. | Zeile | vorgeschlagen |
Unique | unique | Specifies that the value entered for this field must be unique, i.e. must not be the same as any value for the SMW property (if SMW is being used) or Cargo field (if Cargo is being used) corresponding to this form field. | Boolesch | vorgeschlagen |
Unique for category | unique_for_category | Specifies that the value entered for this field must not be the same as the name of any page in the given category. | Zeile | vorgeschlagen |
Unique for concept | unique_for_concept | Specifies that the value entered for this field must not be the same as the name of any page in the given SMW concept. | Zeile | vorgeschlagen |
Unique for namespace | unique_for_namespace | Specifies that the value entered for this field must not be the same as the name of any page in the given namespace. | Boolesch | vorgeschlagen |
Uploadable | uploadable | Is this a text input field that refers to a file and do you want the user to be able to upload that file right here? | Boolesch | vorgeschlagen |
Default filename | default_filename | Specifies the default filename for files uploaded with this field. | Zeile | vorgeschlagen |
Image preview | image_preview | Specifies that a thumbnail of the uploaded image should be placed under the field in the form. | Boolesch | vorgeschlagen |
textarea autogrow | autogrow | You can set a default for the autogrow attribute of your textarea fields | Boolesch | vorgeschlagen |
Autozoom | autozoom | Turns autozoom feature on or off. | Zeile | vorgeschlagen |
Base type | base_type | The base type for this regular expression field | Zeile | vorgeschlagen |
Center | center | Allows to set the coordinates of the map's centre. When this parameter is not provided, the map will centre itself on the current location, or when not set, to coordinates 0,0. | Zeile | vorgeschlagen |
textarea cols | cols | You can set a default for the columns attribute of your textarea fields | Nummer | vorgeschlagen |
date format | date_format | The date format string. It is only used for date display in the input field. See https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Semantic_Forms_Inputs#Parameters for more information. | Zeile | vorgeschlagen |
disabled dates | disable_dates | Comma-separated list of disabled dates/date ranges (dates in yyyy/mm/dd format, ranges in yyyy/mm/dd-yyyy/mm/dd format) | Zeile | vorgeschlagen |
disabled days of week | disable_days_of_week | List of days that can not be selected (e.g. weekend: 6, 0) | Zeile | vorgeschlagen |
Disable input field | disable_input_field | If the user shall be able to fill the input field directly or only via the menu. | Boolesch | vorgeschlagen |
textarea editor | editor | You can set a default for the editor attribute of your textarea fields. As of now, semantic forms only supports wikieditor (or none). | Zeile | vorgeschlagen |
Enable input field | enable_input_field | If the user shall be able to fill the input field directly or only via the menu. | Boolesch | vorgeschlagen |
Existing values only | existing_values_only | Set a combo box or tokens to only allow the autocomplete values, and not any arbitrary values, thus having it function even more like a dropdown. | Boolesch | vorgeschlagen |
first date | first_date | The first date that can be chosen (in yyyy/mm/dd format) | Zeile | vorgeschlagen |
Geoservice | geoservice | Allows to set the geocoding service used to turn addresses into coordinates. | Zeile | vorgeschlagen |
Height | height | Allows to set the height of the map, in pixels. | Nummer | vorgeschlagen |
hide reset button | hide_reset_button | If a reset button shall be shown. This is the only way for the user to erase the input field if it is disabled for direct input. | Boolesch | vorgeschlagen |
hide week numbers | hide_week_numbers | If week numbers shall be shown left of the week. | Boolesch | vorgeschlagen |
highlighted dates | highlight_dates | Comma-separated list of disabled dates/date ranges that shall appear highlighted (dates in yyyy/mm/dd format, ranges in yyyy/mm/dd-yyyy/mm/dd format) | Zeile | vorgeschlagen |
highlighted days of week | highlight_days_of_week | List of days that shall appear highlighted (e.g. weekend: 6, 0) | Zeile | vorgeschlagen |
include timezone | include_timezone | Specifies that a time zone field should be included. | Boolesch | vorgeschlagen |
last date | last_date | The last date that can be chosen (in yyyy/mm/dd format) | Zeile | vorgeschlagen |
Mapping cargo field | mapping_cargo_field | Tries to map autocomplete values via cargo. Can only be used for fields that select pages. You have to specifiy CARGO_TABLE for this to work, as well! | Zeile | vorgeschlagen |
Mapping cargo table | mapping_cargo_table | Tries to map autocomplete values via cargo. Can only be used for fields that select pages. You have to specifiy CARGO_FIELD for this to work, as well! | Zeile | vorgeschlagen |
Mapping property | mapping_property | Tries to map autocomplete values via smw. Can only be used for fields that select pages. | Zeile | vorgeschlagen |
Mapping template | mapping_template | Takes in the name of a 'mapping template' (a template that takes in a single, unnamed parameter, i.e. {{{1|}}}, and displays a 'mapped' string as a result), and uses that template to map every potential value, so that the values' 'aliases' appear on the screen, and not the values themselves. Takes only the name of the template w/o namespace. | Zeile | vorgeschlagen |
Max values | max_values | Used for input type tokens; specifies the maximum number of values that can be entered in a field that holds multiple values. | Nummer | vorgeschlagen |
Maxlength | maxlength | Used for text and textarea fields. Specifies the maximum allowed length of the input. | Nummer | vorgeschlagen |
Message | message | Used as user feedback message in case the regex did not match with the input. | Zeile | vorgeschlagen |
Regexp | regexp | If you set 'input type' to regexp, this specifies your regular expression the input has to match to be valid. This must be given including the slashes, e.g. '/^[0-9]+/'! Defaults to /.*/, i.e. any value. | Zeile | erforderlich |
textarea rows | rows | You can set a default for the rows attribute of your textarea fields | Nummer | vorgeschlagen |
show reset button | show_reset_button | If a reset button shall be shown. This is the only way for the user to erase the input field if it is disabled for direct input. | Boolesch | vorgeschlagen |
Show on select | show_on_select | Can be used for inputs of type 'checkbox', 'checkboxes', 'radiobutton', 'dropdown' and 'listbox' to specify that one or more tags with a certain ID should only be displayed to the user if a certain value (or values) is selected within that input. Use entries in the form 'value=field'. Hint: If you want to calculate this dynamically later, set this field to 'false'! All fields will be prefixed by a globaly configured prefix string. See Module:SFfield/class for more information. | Zeichenfolge | vorgeschlagen |
show week numbers | show_week_numbers | If week numbers shall be shown left of the week. | Boolesch | vorgeschlagen |
Size | size | Used for text entries, combobox, tokens and listbox. For the first three it specifies the width, in characters; for a listbox it specifies the height. If not set, will be defaulted as set in FORM-Section. | Nummer | vorgeschlagen |
Structure | structure | The structure of your menu. Please use mediawiki ul notation. * for first lavel, ** for second, ... One entry per line | Zeichenfolge | erforderlich |
Values dependent on | values_dependent_on | Can be used for inputs of type 'combobox', 'text with autocomplete', 'textarea with autocomplete' and 'tokens'. Specifies that the current set of allowed values for this field are all the values taken by this same field from pages where 'field name' is equal to the value selected for 'field name' in the current form. | Zeile | vorgeschlagen |
Values from category | values_from_category | Similar to values=, but gets its values from the names of all pages belonging to a specific category. | Zeile | vorgeschlagen |
Values from concept | values_from_concept | Similar to values=, but gets its values from the names of all pages belonging to a specific SMW concept. | Zeile | vorgeschlagen |
Values from namespace | values_from_namespace | Similar to values=, but gets its values from the names of all pages belonging to a specific namespace. | Zeile | vorgeschlagen |
Week start | week_start | The first day of the week (0 - Sunday, 1 - Monday, ...) | Nummer | vorgeschlagen |
Width | width | Allows to set the width of the map, in pixels. | Nummer | vorgeschlagen |
Zoom | zoom | Allows to set the zoom level of the map. When not provided , the zoom will be set so you can see the entire planet. | Nummer | vorgeschlagen |
See also
- {{Classgenerator}}