Zoom - Allgemeine Informationen/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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== Terms of use and privacy policy ==
== Terms of use and privacy policy ==
* Zoom-Meeting is a software of the US American company Zoom Video Communications, Inc. and is not subject to the responsibility of the University of Paderborn
* Zoom-Meeting is a software of the US American company Zoom Video Communications, Inc.
*The University of Paderborn has procured zoom licenses through a German provider, whose instances are hosted in Europe and for which contracts for commissioned data processing have been concluded.
*The University of Paderborn has procured zoom licenses through a German provider, whose instances are hosted in Europe and for which contracts for commissioned data processing have been concluded.
*If the use of Zoom is required due to the number of participants, the centrally procured Zoom (C4V) licenses should be used.
*If the use of Zoom is required due to the number of participants, the centrally procured Zoom (C4V) licenses should be used.

Version vom 17. März 2021, 10:03 Uhr

Die deutsche Version finden Sie auf der Seite Zoom - Allgemeine Informationen

Zoom Meetings is a video conferencing tool with chat, content sharing and additional features. The University of Paderborn temporarily provides its members with the Zoom video conferencing software. The service partner of the campus license is the Connect4Video GmbH. The software is developed by Zoom Video Communications, Inc. (USA).
The campus license of the University of Paderborn is valid until 31. 09. 2021. The Zoom software is operated by a German company (Connect4Video GmbH – C4V) to which European data protection law directly applies.

Functionality[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

  • Online meeting/ video conferencing
  • Screen sharing
  • Whiteboard
  • Chat
  • Document exchange
  • Video recording

Suitable for[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

  • Live discussions in coures
  • Cooperation in research groups and projects
  • Convention and conference hosting
  • Group sizes (online meetings up to max. 300 people)

Requirements[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Zoom licenses[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

The campus license Zoom, which is purchased by the University, differs from free-to-use zoom licenses:

  • The free licenses are personal licenses and can only be used for personal use. The usage time is limited to 40 minutes per session.
  • The university campus license allows a distributed management of the event, i. e. you can plan the meeting for yourself and others in advance, send the link in advance and plan regular events (i. e. create the meeting only once and use the same link / the same meeting ID over and over again). However, you must also start the meeting via your university license at the beginning of each meeting.

Notes on use[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

  • For teaching, it applies that preferably asynchronous teaching scenarios should be carried out. Video conferencing in teaching should remain the exception and be didactically justified.
  • If videoconferencing is necessary, it should be used for small groups (23 users max.), on more privacy-friendly services such as Jitsi Meet, BigBlueButton (both operated at the university) or DFNconf from DFN.

Terms of use and privacy policy[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Notes on Netiquette[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Audio and video conferences bring new possibilities compared to a face-to-face meeting, but also new challenges. We have compiled a list of suggestions and behavioural recommendations that you can go through in preparation for an audio or video conference.

First steps[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Hosting[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

One-time self registration[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]


As a meeting organizer you have to register with Zoom once. To do so, you have to register on the Zoom landing page of the university https://uni-paderborn-de.zoom.us by clicking the "Sign in" (Configure your account) button below.

DFN AAI-Anmeldeseite.png

To do so, you will be taken to the DFN-AAI login page and log in with your university ID and password. Please read the privacy policy and confirm the transmission of your data (name and e-mail) to Zoom.

hosting a session[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Then you are registered at Zoom with your Uni-Account and your own e-mail address. If the e-mail address matches an e-mail address of an existing ZOOM account the account will be merged, otherwise a new ZOOM account will be created.

  • After registration, Zoom can be used directly, either from the zoom administration mask or by clicking the button "Host" (Start a meeting) on the page https://uni-paderborn-de.zoom.us

Participating[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

  • Participation in conferences is also possible without registration and with different clients.
  • The manual for all current systems can be found here.
  • Meeting can only be terminated by the host.

Manual for organizers of Zoom C4V conferences[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]


Temporary participation on a PC/ Mac in a web browser[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Zoom Meetings Browser.png

  • Open the page https://uni-paderborn-de.zoom.us in your web browser (only Chrome is fully supported), select th ebutton "Join" (Connect to a meeting in progress) and enter your meeting ID - Alternatively, you can send an invitation directly via hyperlink
  • If the message "join via your browser" not appears: click on download and cancel the download

  • Alternatively, an extension can be installed that circumvents this: https://github.com/arkadiyt/zoom-redirector
  • After successful login, camera & audio must be enabled in the browser
  • The range of functions is limited in the browser version and can lead to high CPU usage on older computers

Bei Fragen oder Problemen wenden Sie sich bitte telefonisch oder per E-Mail an uns:

Tel. IT: +49 (5251) 60-5544 Tel. Medien: +49 (5251) 60-2821 E-Mail: zim@uni-paderborn.de

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