VPN on Windows 10

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Die deutsche Version finden Sie auf der Seite VPN unter Windows

VPN (Virtual Private Network) is needed if you want to use services from outside the University of Paderborn that are only accessible within the University network. VPN guarantees secure access to the University network through other networks (dial-in via other providers, external company or university networks).

You need VPN, if you[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

  • want to access licensed databases of the University Library,
  • want to access a Network drive/ group storage
  • use the green cans within the university (these are only available via VPN for security reasons)
  • use a license server of the university,
  • want to access protected pages of the university,
  • would like to work with the CMS TYPO3 from home.

You do not need VPN, if you[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

  • want to read your e-mails on webmail,
  • want to send e-mails via the IMT mail server (see Mail).

What needs to be done?[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

  • Place the configuration file "OpenVPN-UPB-NG_*.ovpn"' in the directory "C:/User/<Username>/OpenVPN/config/".
    Directory is created at the first start of OpenVPN, so it may not exist before
  • Connect to the university via OpenVPN

OpenVPN installation[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

After installing the network certificate, download the current installer from the download page of the OpenVPN website "openvpn-install-xxxx-win10.exe" from the download page of the OpenVPN website and invoke it.

A security warning from the User Account Control may appear first. Click on "Yes" here.

Step 1: Click on "Next >" in the welcome screen.
Step 2: Agree to the licence conditions with "I Agree" if you want to use OpenVPN.
Step 3: Click only then on "Next >" to confirm the selection of the components.

Step 4: Click on "Install" to install OpenVPN in the specified folder.
Step 5: OpenVPN is now installed.

Step 6: You can set a check mark for the Windows security so that OpenVPN is always trusted, then click on "Install".
Step 7: When the installation is complete, click on "Next >".
Then click "Finish" to close the wizard.

After the successful installation, the new icon "OpenVPN GUI" appears on the desktop.

Step 8: This symbol is used to start the OpenVPN client

configure OpenVPN[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Using the OpenVPN configuration for the network of the University of Paderborn[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Download the configuration file, select the VPN you want to connect to in the following box and click on Download. Normally "Uni-VPN (Standard)" should be the right choice, but if you have problems with the connection, try "Uni-VPN-TCP" again.

Place the downloaded file "OpenVPN-UPB-NG_*.ovpn" in the configuration folder in the

C:/User/<User name>/OpenVPN/config/

off. The connection is then automatically added to the OpenVPN GUI.

"C:" normally denotes the Windows partition.

Start OpenVPN[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

To run the program, double-click with the left mouse button on the OpenVPN icon on your desktop.

Step 1: This symbol is used to start the OpenVPN client
Step 2: Thereupon, an icon appears at the bottom of the task bar which, depending on the connection status, lights up grey (no VPN connection), yellow (VPN connection under construction) or green (VPN connection available).

Step 3: Please click with the right mouse button on the icon and then on "Connect"/"Verbinden" to establish a connection to the VPN server.
Step 4: When running the program for the first time, the Windows firewall may need the permission to trust OpenVPN in the future. Please click on "Allow access".

Step 5: Finally, an IP address is assigned to your computer and the icon turns green.

As soon as a green status is displayed, you are connected to the internal uni network. You can call up this status by choosing


check. Your IP is displayed and whether you are on the unnet.

Example: Existing connection to the university network.

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