Die deutsche Version finden Sie auf der Seite Zoom - Anmeldung
If you already have a Zoom license, this article shows how to login.
You have no Zoom license yet? Take a look at Zoom-Registrierung.
Login[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]
Via Browser
Use the following link to login:
- Click on "Sign in".
- Login with your Uni-Account.
Via Zoom App
Zoom account prior to 30.10.2020
Have you obtained your Zoom license prior to 30.10.2020? In this case, you have no campus license. Proceed as follows:
- Visit the Zoom website.
- Login with your Zoom account that you received from the IMT.
- This is not your Uni-Account.
You can transfer your zoom license into the campus license. Procced as follows:Zoom - Registrierung (für Veranstalter*innen)
See also[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]
- Zoom - Allgemeine Informationen
- Zoom - Übersicht aller Artikel zu Zoom